Shenandoah National Park

The national park of Shenandoah has a large amount of biomes that can be found all throughout it, bought aquatica and terrestrial. In this section of the website the characteristics of various biomes will be explained. An example of one of the biomes that can be found in Shenandoah is the forest. The biome creates a very large amount of trees and vegetation and also animal life. It is considered to be a Taiga forest biome which means that the climate is usually cold and most of the creatures are forced to adapt to these climates. The winters are freezing and long, while the summers are warm and timid.
The yearly percipitation rate is between 10 and 30 cm.
Animal Distribution:
Due to the cold winter, most animals that are found in this biome are forced to hibernate all through winter, and the plants are also sedentary. Due to this the winters in the biome are seemingly empty and the water sources may even freeze over in extreme conditions. During the other seasons animal and plant life is plentiful due to them being mild. Most animal life is found in the extremely forested areas of the land where all animals have access to food and rivers and streams for clean drinking water.
Another very prominent biome in Shenandoah National Park is the freshwater biome, which can consist of lakes, rivers, streams, and in this case waterfalls. The freshwater biome is abundant in animal life and vegetation. The diverse selection of fish and other aquatic life provides relief from the consistancy of the taiga biome. The vegetation is ample and provides oxygen and a food source for the aquatic life. The average percipiation of the freshwater biome in Shenandoah is the same as the average percipitation of the Taiga surrounding it, which is 10 to 30 cm per year. The winters are very long due to the surrounding climate of the taiga and various freshwater areas may freeze over.
Animal Distribution:
The animals in this biome usually stay in place, but at times during the cold winters they float up or down stream in an attempt to find warmer waters. During the rest of the seasons the animal life in the auqatic biome is very sedentary and rarely moves because the climate is perfect to sustain them. The climate factor that affects animal distribution is mainly the temperature. The other factors do not influence animal distribution because the aquatic life is not as affected as terrestrial life is.
There are five major biomes that can be found on the vast Earth. On this page the major biomes of Shenandoah National park will be explained. The national park contains a series of extraordinary biomes that contain very considerable amounts of plant and animal life. The biomes of this national park provide a beautiful place for the organisms to live and prosper.
Balfour. (Photographer). Fall Foliage in Shenandoah [Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.backpacker.com/september_08_shenandoah_national_park/destinations/12541
Biomes of the World :: Aquatic. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.kidzworld.com/article/1951-biomes-of-the-world-aquatic
KDE Santa Barbara. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://kids.nceas.ucsb.edu/biomes/index.html#aquatic
Southern Living. (Photographer). Shenandoah [Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.southernliving.com/travel/south-east/shenandoah-national-park
The freshwater biome. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibits/biomes/freshwater.php
World Biomes - Forest. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.worldbiomes.com/biomes_forest.htm