Shenandoah National Park
Extreme temperatures, predators, and resources are all reasons that plants and animals are forced to adpat to the environment they live in. All over the world there are animals that have changed drastically from when they first appeared on the Earth and that is due to the adaptations the organisms go through in order to be able to survive. There are many reasons that organisms could be forced to adapt to their surroundings and in Shenandoah one of the main reasons is the excessive cold, among many others. Below you will find various plants and animals and how they have adapted in order to thrive in the beautiful Shenandoah forest.
The Eastern Cottontail Rabbit:
The Eastern Cottontail rabbit is extremely abundant in Shenandoah, but in order for it to survive it needed to adapt to its enivornment. An example of one of the cottontail's adaptations is its hightened senses. The rabbits have developed their senses over time and now they have impeccable eyesight and hearing, which allows them to be alert at all times and protect themselves from potential predators. Due to this adaptation the rabbit is less likely to be hunted and eaten, but more likely to evade the predator that is attempting to harm it.
The Deer Mouse: The Deer mouse is very common all over North American, as well as it is in Shenandoah. The mouse has adapted to extract enough oxygen to survive in extremely high altitudes, which is very rare. Because of this adaptation the Deer mouse is able to live in high altitudes as well as low altitudes, this allows it to escape its prey and to find a new place to live if resources run out in one area. This adaptation is very helpful to the tiny deer mouse and allows it to survive in any environment no matter how high. The mountains in Shenandoah and ginormous, but the deer mouse could still survive there.
Animal Adaptations
The White Ash Tree: The White ash tree has adapted majorly in order to survive the long and cold winters that are present in Shenandoah. The trees have started to cut off the water and food supply to their leaves when it gets colder in order to prevent them from freezing which could cause damage to trees. The tree also circulates various substances throughout it in order to prevent it from freezing completely. These adaptations help the tree because they prevent it from freezing and in the end dying. It allows the tree to survive through the brutal winters, which it normally wouldn't.
The Tulip Tree: The Tulip Tree can be found in the Shenandoah forest and has developed many adapatations over the years in oder to survive. An example of an adaptation is producing seeds with a wing attachted to them so they can be carried by the wind. This adaptation allows for the Tulip Tree to be dispursed throuh an entire forest by the use of the wind. It makes the species more widespread, which allows the species to survive for longer and to become prominent in various areas, instead of a single one.
Plant Adaptations

Adaptations of the Ash Tree | eHow. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/info_8704929_adaptations-ash-tree.html
Ash Tree [Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.2020site.org/trees/ash.html
Deer Mouse [Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peromyscus
Eastern Cottontail Rabbit Adaptations. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.buzzle.com/articles/eastern-cottontail-rabbit-adaptations.html
Eastern Cottontail Rabbit [Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.psu.edu/dept/nkbiology/naturetrail/speciespages/cottontail.htm
Forestry Related SOL for VA Public Schools. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://dendro.cnre.vt.edu/sols/sci4.5/tulip.htm
Tulip Tree [Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.tuliptreeretrievers.com/